
Friday 4 October 2013

And the winner is...

OK! Let's get straight into things... Sorry it's taken me so long to put this out! I haven't been home and I wanted to do this properly so waited until I was back!

I've just gone through all the entries and entered all the people who met the criteria! Some entries were from people in America, and I'm afraid I did say this giveaway was UK only, sorry! Next time hopefully! :)

So, all the names were written down, then neatly folded and put into a jar...

The jar was shaken up and VOILA! We have our winner! (I did film myself picking out the winner if anyone doesn't trust it!)  And the winner is.....
And the winner is..... Brittany Williams! Congratulations! I hope you like your little pretties! I will be sending you an email NOW so make sure you look out for it! :)
I hope you guys liked my giveaway! Hopefully I'll be doing another one next month! I'm off to America in 2 weeks so will hopefully pick up some cool stuff to put into a giveaway! Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see! x

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! This has made my day!!:D Thank-you ever sooo much:D xxxx
